Organized, no clutter, doing it themselves not always something you would associate with a child, if your child is anything like miss L i spend hours a week folding her clothing and putting it into her room only to find it coming back in the next wash day still folded "dirty".
after talking to miss L we have come to a solution she simply didn't know where to put them even after many many MANY times of showing her and helping her put her clothing away correctly so we needed to find a way to help her remember. one night at my wits end i decided i would make up little picture labels that she could color in and stick to her draws so she knew exactly where to put her folded clothing.
A4 size printable. |
By getting Miss L to color in each bit of clothing and cutting ( i would suggest laminating or putting contact over if you have smaller children that will enjoy pulling these off the draws) then blue tacking them to the draws they should be placed into, life has been running a lot smoother with a lot less washing heading my way and Miss L loving that she is able to help out more by sorting and putting her own washing away.
before- random clothing in draw |
after- correct clothing placed nicely |
if you do something similar with your child/children id love to see by sharing it with us on Facebook or Instagram.
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